Wednesday 8 March 2017

Greener world

people have to take care about the world and make the word green . Recycling is the best way to make the world  green.  People have to save the trees and reduce air pullotion. we have to raise public warness about the recycle proces. we have to use public transefer to make less pullotion. We can save energy by recycling.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

kyoto life

The climate change conference in Montreal to extend the life of the Kyoto protocal on global warming.Unfortunatly, the Unitate States which produces 25 percent of the worlds. another hand air pullotion the that extent the Kyoto. Climate change is real accelerating and cause by human activity . The human activity is creat a lot of problome in the world . 

Wednesday 1 March 2017


This graph shows the difference in the number of migration between 1992 and 2002 that the number of people increase by 2002


                      SOLAR TAXI

The solar taxi is a wonderful replacement of  another energy source because it does not create  too much pollution   that its very important in our life. We can keep the energy for future.By using this energy we can make longer our life .If we do not have too much air pollution our world not destroy quickly. Human can make the world beautiful by using this energy and  general transport.